To Believe
At times I think that we go through too much of our lives, not living or for that matter not creating in tune with our beliefs. To be “in tune” with your beliefs is to actually know yourself… or at least to have a clue. To live the “unexamined life” is a waste according to Socrates(500 BC, Greek philosopher). As a creative person this becomes even more important. We can and do communicate clearer when creating from the foundation of our personal beliefs. Also I have found less burn out, less frustration, and more satisfaction in my Art by creating in tune with my personal beliefs.
A pretty picture is all well and good, but in the end, Art and Photography are both forms of communication! I have too often forgotten that simple fact in my “quest” for a better image. There is nothing shallow in living a full life, and creating from that vantage point.
Now it is time to reach deeper, creating from that core that I do believe in… and then possibly to share it and who I am, with others!